It's come across to me in the many years of dating, and even the marriage I was in, that baggage comes along with everyone. They bring it from past relationships with their parents, siblings, ex girlfriends and boyfriends, friends, children and the most dreaded baggage I would say is the ex wife/ex husband kind.
How does one lose baggage when entering into another relationship? Is there a check out counter in life for these items? I understand that we all learn from past experiences, but there has to be a final destination for the past. In a recent breakup, it seems he had issues stemming from his family, his son and his ex wife and her family. First of all, if you are still allowing your ex who has clearly discarded you out of the picture of a future with her, to tell you how you should run your life, and your child who isn't old enough to know how to dress himself to make your life choices, then Mister... you have more problems with you than I thought. Lesson learned. In my next chapter of dating, I will research more, weigh the baggage and make the decision to pick it up or drop it off at the nearest therapist.